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My Story

I used to live in the South East of England and lived in a constant state of stress.  Living for the weekend to escape the stressors of every day life.  I was experiencing panic attacks often, caught in a cycle of emotional eating as a coping mechanism & to fill a void.  I did not know how to end this cycle, but did know that the life I was living was not me, and was not aligned to the life I truly wanted to be living.  Some people who know me, may be surprised to read this, as the way I was feeling was always hidden behind a smile. 


I knew from a very young age that I was meant to live in Cornwall, and in 2016 aged 29 I finally followed my heart.  I quit my job, sold my flat and moved 300 miles away on my own to fulfil my dream.


After finally moving to Cornwall, I was excited for my life to fall into place.  I couldn't wait to meet my Mr Right, buy a beautiful home together, get married on the beach and start a family a few years later. 

 Living the dream. 


 The reality was that whilst living in Cornwall was much more laid back to life in the South East, and a stressful day at work was made better by a walk on the beach, there was one problem though.

Although I had changed the location of where I was living - my habits, my thoughts, my subconscious programming had not changed, so ultimately my self sabotaging behaviours did not change and once again I felt stuck.  

At the time I did not have the knowledge and experience that I have now to understand why I was acting in the way I was, and instead I felt that I was broken and beyond help. 

I had a decision to make; give up, or to fight for the life I wanted.  


So, I embarked on my own healing journey; obtaining support from others when needed and over time life got brighter.  


I remember reading a quote which said "one day your story will be someone else's survival guide".  I knew then that my purpose was to help others, and once I felt ready I begun studying in my free time in order to be able to support others overcome the things holding them back & keeping them stuck so they can live an aligned life that they love.  







Why Work With Me?

My qualifications and personal and professional experiences have allowed me to offer sessions using a variety of powerful modalities.  I understand that everyones circumstances are different in terms of time and finances, so try and have services to cater for everyone. 

I understand that taking care of our wellbeing is paramount in living a happy and aligned life.  However, this can sometimes be hard to achieve alone due to life experiences

Between the ages of 0 - 7 our life experiences determine the way we see the world - these are our programmes that run in our mind and form our belief system, which we carry through to adulthood.  However, the things which served us as children, or kept us safe, don't always serve the same purpose as an adult.  

In fact, as an adult our belief system can cause limiting beliefs, it can cause us to self sabotage and can prevent us living authentically, in alignment with our values and prevent us prioritising our own wellbeing.  I know this from my own experience, and having hit my own rock bottom where I felt perhaps I was never meant to be happy or experience good things I continued to self sabotage.  Fast forward to now, and I have balance in my life. I love the life I live and most importantly I love myself.

The reality of life is that it is full of ups and downs, and some things we have no control over. Part of the work I do with clients is around mindset and teaching tools and techniques so they can manage when life isn't going as planned. 

So if you would like my help, I offer you a safe, non judgemental space to work through the things in life holding you back so you can live a life in balance and one that is truly aligned to your desires. 

My Qualifications 

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner

  • Life & Success Coach

  • Clinical Hypnotherapist

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT / Tapping) Practitioner 

  • T.I.M.E (Time Integration for Maximum Empowerment) Techniques Practitioner 

  • Meditation Teacher 

  • Reiki Master

  • Inner Child Healing Practitioner

  • CIPD Certificate in HR Management 

I am also a lifelong learner, so am always researching, attending workshops and working on my own development to ensure I can provide the best possible service to my clients. 


sun over beach

My Story and Working With Me

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